Sunday, April 18, 2010

Feather Painting

I recently attempted to paint on a feather, but it didn't work out so well. The sections on the vanes (I think that's what they are called) separated out and it got really disjointed. Plus the paint wouldn't stay on the feather well. Sometime down the road I will probably attempt this again. I'll just have to experiment a bit more. Here are some paintings that are pretty darn cool. The last picture's pieces are done by Julie Thompson, who lives in the Pacific Northwest. The video on the website gives a nice slideshow of some more feathers.


  1. Thats sooo cool! That would seem really hard at first but they probably make it hard so the little feather strands stay together, like with hairspray or something better than that.

  2. I lvoe these they are so very northwesterny
