Sunday, April 18, 2010

Feather Painting

I recently attempted to paint on a feather, but it didn't work out so well. The sections on the vanes (I think that's what they are called) separated out and it got really disjointed. Plus the paint wouldn't stay on the feather well. Sometime down the road I will probably attempt this again. I'll just have to experiment a bit more. Here are some paintings that are pretty darn cool. The last picture's pieces are done by Julie Thompson, who lives in the Pacific Northwest. The video on the website gives a nice slideshow of some more feathers.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pieces in the works...

I am currently working on two pieces. This first one is just a sketch of what I plan to do. I'm going to first collage pages of a book together and then draw this in charcoal or graphite over it. It is supposed to represent what people sometimes turn to when in solitude. The novel pieces will show how people (like Thoreau) utilized writing, while the bottle shows alcohol and the spilled liquor drops show religion. There are religious symbols in the drops. (a cross, the star of david, the islamic moon/star and I'll also put in the Taoism symbol).

The next two is a sketch followed by the piece in progress. It probably isn't difficult to figure out what this one means. I'm doing the final version on black paper with prismacolor pencils, so it should be vivid and deep at the same time. So far I only have most of the wings done. I'd like to apologize in advance for the bad resolution.

On a side note, I was walking by the television and paused to watch a nature documentary my dad had on and it showed this short clip of a snake that can leap from the top of the forest canopy and land THREE HUNDRED FEET AWAY. o.O I definitely don't want to meet one of those things.

Friday, April 2, 2010

March Concentration

I'm planning on pushing the darks a little bit more on this piece.